Chargeback Written on Blue Key of Metallic Keyboard. Finger pressing key.

Chargebacks from Poor Customer Service Is Killing Your Business — Solution


Did you know that your customer service team can play a huge role in reducing chargebacks?

That’s right – many chargebacks derive from poor customer service, so the obvious solution is to improve your customer service. But that might not be as easy as it sounds.

In this post, we’ll dive into the basics of chargebacks customer service and explore practical strategies your customer service team can use to prevent them. From clear communication to streamlined returns, a few simple tweaks can make a big difference.


The High Cost of Chargebacks for Businesses

Chargebacks are the silent killer for businesses.

They’re not just annoying, they’re also seriously expensive. For every dollar lost to a chargeback, businesses end up paying an average of three bucks in fees, lost products, and other costs. That’s crazy, right? It’s throwing money down the drain.

And it gets worse. Chargebacks don’t just hurt your bottom line – they also mess up your relationships with customers. When a chargeback happens, it acts as a wedge between you and your customer. They might not trust you anymore, and they probably won’t come back to buy from you again. That means you’re not just losing the sale you already made, but future sales too.

So, as you can see, chargebacks are a huge deal. They’re costly, they’re damaging, and they’re only getting more common. If you want your business to succeed, you need to get serious about preventing them.


Understanding the Causes of Chargebacks

Alright, so now that we know how bad chargebacks can be, let’s talk about why they happen in the first place. There are a few main reasons, and understanding them is the first step to preventing chargebacks.

Fraudsters Using Stolen Credit Cards

First up, we’ve got fraudulent transactions. This is when some scammer gets their hands on a stolen credit card and goes on a shopping spree. When the real cardholder sees the charges, they dispute them, and bam – you’re hit with a chargeback.

Customers Not Happy with Products or Services

Next, there’s customer dissatisfaction. Maybe the product wasn’t what they expected, or the service wasn’t up to par. If the customer feels like they didn’t get what they paid for, they might file a chargeback to get their money back.

Confusion Over Policies and Billing

Another big reason for chargebacks is confusion over return policies or subscription billing. If your policies are unclear or hard to find, customers might not know what to do when they want to return something or cancel a subscription. So, they dispute the charge instead.

Unrecognizable Merchant Names

Finally, there’s the issue of merchant names on bank statements. If your business name doesn’t match what shows up on the customer’s statement, they might not recognize the charge. They might think it’s fraudulent and dispute it, even if it was a legit purchase.


How Customer Service Can Reduce Chargebacks

Now it’s time to get into how you can reduce chargebacks through better customer service. Remember, you’ll never get chargebacks down to zero. That’s an unrealistic goal.

Provide Clear Policies and Communication

If you want to keep chargebacks at bay, you’ve got to make sure your customers know what’s up. That means having clear, easy-to-find policies and keeping communication on point.

First things first – your return and refund policies need to be straightforward and simple to understand. Don’t hide them away in some tiny link at the bottom of your website. Put them front and center, so customers can easily find them when they need to. The easier it is for customers to return or get a refund, the less likely they are to file a chargeback.

Next up, let’s talk about subscriptions. If you’ve got customers signed up for recurring payments, you need to keep them in the loop. Send them a heads up before you process each renewal charge. That way, they won’t be caught off guard when they see the charge on their statement. And if they want to cancel, make it easy for them to do so.

Finally, make sure your merchant name is clear and recognizable on billing statements. If customers see a charge from some random company they’ve never heard of or a series of random numbers, they might panic and dispute it. If they can easily tell it’s from your business, they’ll be less likely to file a chargeback.

Offer Proactive Customer Support

First and foremost, make it super easy for customers to get in touch with your support team. Don’t make them jump through hoops or hunt for contact info. Put your support channels front and center, whether it’s a phone number, email address, or live chat. The faster customers can reach you, the quicker you can solve their issues and prevent chargebacks.

But don’t stop there – sometimes you need to be the one to reach out first. If a product is backordered or a shipment is delayed, don’t leave your customers in the dark. Give them a heads up and let them know what’s going on. They’ll appreciate the transparency, and it’ll show that you’re on top of things.

And when it comes to shipping, keep your customers in the loop every step of the way. Provide tracking numbers and send shipping confirmations, so they know exactly when to expect their order. If there are any hiccups along the way, let them know ASAP. The more informed your customers are, the less likely they are to dispute a charge.

Streamline Returns and Cancellations

If you want to keep chargebacks to a minimum, you’ve got to make returns and cancellations a breeze. The easier it is for customers to get their money back or cancel a subscription, the less likely they are to dispute a charge.

When it comes to returns, don’t put customers through the ringer. You’ll pay way more for a chargeback than you will for a return. Offer hassle-free returns with no questions asked. If a customer isn’t happy with their purchase, let them send it back without a fuss. The smoother the return process, the less likely they are to get frustrated and file a chargeback.

The same goes for subscriptions. If a customer wants to cancel, make it easy for them to do it themselves. Don’t make them call customer support or send an email. Give them a simple, self-service cancellation process that they can do with just a few clicks. The less friction there is, the better.

And finally, when a customer does request a refund, don’t drag your feet. Process that refund ASAP, before they get impatient and dispute the charge with their bank. The faster you get their money back to them, the less likely they are to escalate things to a chargeback.

Leverage Chargeback Alerts and Prevention Services

If you really want to up your chargeback prevention game, you’ve got to get tech-savvy. There are tons of tools and services out there that can help you stop chargebacks before they even happen.

First, let’s talk about chargeback alert services. These tools give you a heads up when a customer disputes a charge, so you can jump in and resolve the issue before it turns into a full-blown chargeback.

Then, there are tools that can automatically update expired or canceled card numbers. This is a big one for subscription businesses – if a customer’s card expires or gets canceled, these tools can update the info so you don’t get hit with a chargeback.

And finally, don’t be afraid to partner up with your payment processor on fraud prevention. They’ve got tons of experience dealing with chargebacks, and they can help you put together a solid strategy. They might have some tools or services of their own that you didn’t even know about, so it’s always worth reaching out and seeing what they can do for you.



  • Happy customers are way less likely to dispute legit charges, so focus on keeping them satisfied
  • When you provide top-notch service, you build brand loyalty and keep customers coming back for more (ka-ching!)
  • By preventing chargebacks, you’re protecting your hard-earned sales revenue and boosting your bottom line
  • Chargeback alert services, a better payment processor, and attentive customer service are key

About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.