Tips from MARKETING MILLIONAIRES to Scale Up Your Business


Good marketing advice can cost thousands, if not more. Over the past year, we’ve spoken to many of the world’s best marketers about how to scale up your business, giving you an incredible opportunity for business growth at no cost.

With so much information thrown at you, it can get really confusing trying to utilize and organize all of it in order to scale your startup or growing business. Let’s close the flood gates a bit, get you out of the content rabbit hole, and sum up the most important pieces of advice that can help clarify your journey forward.

The tips we’re bringing you today are taken from interviews we’ve had with the world’s best marketers, who have collectively generated billions in sales. Even if you haven’t heard their names, it’s highly likely that you’ve bought from them in the past.

Here are the best actionable marketing tips you can use today to scale up your business. Read on, watch here, or listen to the podcast here.

Marketing Tips from Marketing Millionaires

We’re breaking down our best tips with this easy-to-follow guide, giving you all the advice you need to scale up your small business and become a millionaire business owner.

1. Focus on Your “Superstar” Quality – Chris Haddad

Spend your efforts focusing on the skill sets you’re good at and less on the ones you’re not. For Chris Haddad, that meant focusing on copywriting and leaving the traffic and management to hired pros.

2. Make Your Background A Selling Point ­– Stefan Georgi

One mistake many entrepreneurs make is trying to adapt to a role solely with material for that role. For example, reading only business books or watching video content about managing business. Instead, make your background something unique, something you can sell in that role. Use it to diversify your product.

3. Don’t Seek Out a Niche – Stefan Georgi

You don’t need to find a niche at the start of your career. It’s best to go into a standard position, one that’s easy to obtain, and then enhance your skills while you’re there. Of course, you should start out with a position or career path that does fit your skills and interest, but you don’t get too specific or picky at the onset.

4. Have an Email List with Automations Set – Troy Ericson

You can’t know the potential or reach of your new product if you don’t share it. Get an ESP (email service provider) and set up your most basic automations (repeatable processes for automatically contacting customers). This should include what happens when someone buys something, abandons their cart, shipping updates, etc. Setting this up right away helps you eliminate the minutiae of email marketing so you can focus on bigger projects while getting insight from your customers. There’s automation software available to help you out here that even integrates with your bookkeeping, CRM, and internal processes. But you can simply go in yourself and make it happen.

5. Don’t Pass Up Cold Traffic – Andrew Contreras

Cold traffic sources are things like social media platforms, Facebook, YouTube, and Google. Generally, it’s more attractive to put your offer on cold traffic sources instead of on a network. Networks limit your reach and the potential of that offer, whereas cold traffic is expansive and allows for fast changes. Plus, these cold traffic sources give you metrics and tools that significantly help small business owners with content marketing. On top of this, hire a good media buy—one who understands copy. They don’t have to be an expert, but they have to know enough to work well with creatives.

6. Optimize the Offer – Julian Reyes

It’s foolish to move on to another offer if you’ve just launched one and it isn’t performing well. Spend the time and the money to optimize it. If it has strong split test, then it’s absolutely worthwhile to optimize. And that doesn’t mean nitpicking each part of it; it means finding the one thing that ends up doubling the conversion just once. When this happens, you suddenly have a profit.

7. Work with Your Affiliate Partners – Amber Spears

A lot of companies create a calendar for the year, pinpointing product launches and marketing campaigns for their brand, and then releasing it to their partners. Don’t do that. Work with your affiliate partners on your calendar. Go to them with ideas and questions, telling them you want to have a contest on this date but you don’t want it to interfere with their business plans. The point is to avoid directly competing with your partners and setting up the mechanism to successfully cross-promote.

8. Put Valuable Material in Your Front-end Products – Rich Schefren

Don’t skimp out on your front-end products. That’s a sure-fire way to lose conversions and send new customers far far away. Customers need to see the value of your product. If you’re not willing to get a piece of that value away for free, then customers will assume there’s no value at all. Why buy a product that promises a lot but showcases nothing? Put your best material in your front-end products and you’ll see a huge impact on sales.

9. Test New Marketing Opportunities ­– Rich Schefren

Opportunities arise every so often that live outside the trend and are worthy of second look. Getting on-board with trendy marketing tactics is good for the short-term, but all trends die. If you pay attention, you can become one of the pioneers of a new trend that outperforms the last.

10. Value Yourself – Pauline Longdon

Pauline was speaking out to female copywriters, but her advice can apply to anyone. Don’t undervalue yourself. Get ballsy and see what happens. You won’t know what sticks until you try. And the value you place on yourself affects company culture and workflow. Keep it positive.

11. Don’t Rely on a Single Traffic Source – Justin Goff

Trying to build a website that only relies on a single traffic source is like putting all your eggs in one basket. What happens if that channel dries up? By working with multiple channels from the start, you’ll prepare yourself for the future when you may need to shift gears or even replace certain avenues of marketing altogether.

12. Hire an Affiliate Manager – Alex Gunoe

An affiliate manager’s sole purpose is to make and solidify connections. Those are the connections you need to have a successful product. Just because you made something, doesn’t mean customers will come. You need to be willing to invest in a scaling strategy in order to improve the scalability of your business.

13. Stick with What Sells – Ning Li

It’s great to diversify your offers, especially when marketing to multiple demographics. But when you know something works and it work really well, you’re shooting yourself in the foot if you try to change it.

14. Don’t Overpromise – Brennan Hopkins

Work within the confines of what’s possible in your business. If you’re a relatively small company with a team of just one person or team members that cover multiple roles, then don’t take on projects you know full-well require a lot of attention and a lot of handles. Opportunity will still come in the future, so don’t try to tackle too much at once. And as you scale up, get some new hires. Those new employees will cost you something, but the potential for scaling is exponentially higher.

15. Be Able to Pivot – Eli Cohen

You, as a marketer or business owner, cannot control the policies of the platforms you advertise on. That’s the job of Facebook and Google and whatever platform you use. Your job is to be able to adjust strategies and tactics that fit those platforms whenever the rules change. You need to be able to pivot to other marketing opportunities as well. Web ads aren’t the only media space. There’s print, TV, radio, mobile, and IoT. You have so many ways to reach customers, don’t get stagnant in your ways.

16. “Test the Things That Scream, Not the Things That Whisper” – Jonathan Boyd

Consider this: you can either optimize the headline of your offer for a 30% boost, or you can launch a new offer that appeals directly to your target market. Which method is better? Before, we said you should always optimize your offers before replacing them. But if no one is biting, then leaving it live for too long will only harm your business. Take the time to zoom out and look at the big picture. Who are you selling to? What do those people need? How can you provide it? Is your offer in line with the answers to those questions?

We Have New Marketing Tips for You Every Week

We hope that you enjoyed this roundup of marketing tips and that a few of them will help you with your own marketing efforts. It can be hard to read every blog post and article, but luckily, we’ve done the work for you and are constantly exposed to new and innovative ways to market your business.

The tips above are our top picks we know will help companies scale and can be incorporated into any business strategy or business model. Whether your’e homing in on a new market or you’re a new business getting their footing but looking for rapid growth, these are the top tips to help you scale up and increase cash flow.

No matter what industry your in nor which marketing tactic you choose, you absolutely need a merchant account to make those sales happen. Get in touch with us here at DPN to open your and be connected with a payment processor who supports your sustainable growth.

About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.