a funnel shattered into many tiny pieces.

Un-break Your Gen Z Marketing Funnel


Move over Millennials, Baby Boomers, and all the rest. As Generation Z comes of age and gains increasing purchasing power, marketers are scrambling to understand what makes them tick. With an estimated direct spending power of over $140 billion in the US alone, the potential of this generation cannot be ignored. However, the traditional marketing playbook is proving ineffective in capturing their attention and loyalty.

Gen Z has shattered the classic linear marketing funnel. No longer content to passively receive brand messaging, they actively seek out authentic engagement and co-creation. Gen Zers seamlessly navigate between the physical and digital worlds, using social media not just as a communication tool, but as a hub for entertainment, community, self-expression, and even a search engine.

Brands are no longer the sole creators of their image and narrative.

Gen Z marketing strategies require a radically different approach compared to Millennials and older generations. Broadcasting and direct selling fall flat – this generation demands interaction, entertainment, and real value alignment.

Start accepting the payment methods Gen Z actually uses.

A group of 6 young people sitting on a couch together, but staring at their own phones.

Attention is digital for Gen Z.

Why Marketing to Gen Z is Different and Challenging

Born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, Gen Zers have grown up in a world that’s always been digital, connected, and fast-paced. This unique context has shaped their behaviors, preferences, and expectations in ways that make traditional marketing campaigns fall flat.

Digital Natives with Short Attention Spans

Gen Z are the ultimate digital natives. They are the first generation to have never known a world without smartphones, social media, and constant connectivity. This 24/7 exposure to digital content has rewired their brains and shortened their attention spans. This demographic can quickly scroll through a dizzying amount of content across multiple platforms in mere minutes.

As marketers, we’re competing for those precious seconds of attention in an incredibly noisy digital landscape. Gone are the days of captive TV audiences sitting through commercial breaks. If our content doesn’t immediately grab them, they’ll just keep on scrolling.

Authenticity and Inclusivity are Non-Negotiable

Gen Z has a finely tuned BS detector. They can sniff out inauthentic, gimmicky marketing from a mile away. This generation values realness, transparency, and brands that walk their talk. They want to see diverse representation and a genuine commitment to inclusivity – not just rainbow-washing during Pride month.

Gen Zers are also more likely to align themselves with brands that share their values, especially around social and environmental issues. They’ll quickly call out companies for performative activism or failing to take a stand. As marketers, we need to ensure our messaging and actions are consistent and grounded in our brand’s true values.

Influencers > Brands

For Gen Z, social proof is everything. They’re much more likely to trust recommendations from real people, whether that’s a peer or a beloved influencer, over slick branded content. This has given rise to the age of micro-influencers and user-generated content.

Marketers need to rethink top-down advertising and explore partnerships with influencers who have an authentic connection with their Gen Z target audience. We also need to find ways to encourage and amplify user-generated content, letting our customers become our biggest advocates. Influencer marketing grants us a strong start here.

Discerning Buyers with Purchasing Power

Dismissing Gen Z as broke teens is a huge mistake. This generation already wields an estimated $143 billion in buying power – a figure that will only grow as they mature into their careers. However, they’re very intentional with how they spend their money.

Having come of age during economic instability, Gen Zers are pragmatic and discerning consumers. They’ll research extensively before making a purchase and look for the best value. Brand loyalty is hard-won with this generation. Marketers need to clearly communicate our product’s benefits and build trust over time through consistent quality and customer care.

Prepare your business for the new generation of buyers, subscribers, and clients.

A mobile phone showing a social media-type screen with a person holding a purse.

Influencer and UGC are valuable resources.

How to Effectively Market to Gen Z

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of capturing the hearts, minds and eyeballs of Gen Z consumers. If you want to make an impact with these digital natives, you need to get creative, authentic, and maybe even a little bit weird. Content marketing is the way. Here’s how:

Embrace the Power of Short-Form Video

Gen Z has an insatiable appetite for bite-sized, visually engaging content. If you want to grab their attention, you need to be all over platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Stories. Think snackable videos that are fun, irreverent, and pack a punch in 15 seconds or less. Don’t be afraid to jump on trends, showcase your brand’s personality, and experiment with different formats.

Collaborate with Gen Z’s Trusted Influencers

In the world of Gen Z, influencers are the new celebrities. These content creators have built loyal followings by being authentic, relatable, and entertaining. By partnering with influencers that align with your brand values, you can tap into their credibility and reach a highly engaged audience. Just make sure the collaboration feels genuine – Gen Z can smell a fake partnership from a mile away.

Prioritize Engagement and Entertainment

When it comes to top-of-funnel digital marketing, hard selling is a hard no for Gen Z. They don’t want to be bombarded with ads; they want to be entertained, engaged, and even educated. Focus on creating content that sparks conversations, encourages shares, and adds value to their lives. Think interactive quizzes, challenges, memes, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. The more you can make your brand feel like a friend, the better.

Make It Interactive

Gen Z loves to be part of the action. Incorporate interactive elements into your campaigns to capture their attention and keep them engaged. Use polls, AR filters, gamification, and choose-your-own-adventure style content to make them feel like they’re part of the story. The more you can make your social media marketing a two-way conversation, the more likely Gen Z is to participate and remember your brand.

Wear Your Values on Your Sleeve

For Gen Z customers, a brand’s values are just as important as its products. They want to support companies that stand for something and make a positive impact on the world. Don’t be shy about highlighting your commitment to sustainability, diversity, mental health, LGBTQ+ inclusivity, social responsibility, and other causes that matter to this generation. But make sure your actions match your words – Gen Z is quick to call out performative activism.

Amplify User-Generated Content

Gen Z loves to create and share their own content. Encourage them to tag your brand, use your hashtags, and show off your products in their posts. Then, amplify the best user-generated content on your own channels. Not only does this create a sense of community and authenticity, but it also provides social proof that your brand is loved by real people.

Go Where Gen Z Goes

To reach Gen Z, you need to meet them where they already are – and that’s on their favorite apps. Don’t expect them to come to you; be proactive in showing up in their feeds and Instagram stories. Stay on top of the latest platform features and trends, and adapt your content accordingly. The more seamlessly you can integrate into their digital lives, the more likely they are to engage with your brand.


Gen Z Marketing FAQ

What social media platforms should I focus on to reach Gen Z?

To effectively reach Gen Z, focus your efforts on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. Gen Z spends a significant amount of time on these visually-driven, video-centric platforms. While they do use other platforms like X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook, engagement rates tend to be lower on those channels.

How do I find the right influencers and creators to partner with?

Finding the right influencer partners is crucial for success. Look for influencers who have an authentic connection with their Gen Z audience and align with your brand values. Analyze their engagement rates, content style, and brand partnerships to ensure a good fit. Micro and nano influencers can be especially effective, as they often have very engaged, trusting audiences.

What type of content performs best with the Gen Z audience?

Gen Z responds best to authentic, entertaining, and visually compelling content. Short-form video content, like TikToks and Instagram Reels, is extremely popular. They also appreciate interactive content like polls and quizzes. User-generated content and influencer collaborations tend to outperform overly polished brand creative.

How is marketing to Gen Z different than Millennials?

While both generations are digitally savvy, the younger generation has some distinct traits. They tend to be more socially conscious, value individual expression, and expect brands to take a stand on issues. Gen Zers have shorter attention spans than previous generations and are more likely to skip or ignore ads. They also crave authenticity and can quickly spot (and dismiss) inauthentic marketing attempts. Having said that, they stay loyal to their favorite brands.

What are some examples of brands successfully marketing to Gen Z?

Many brands have run innovative, Gen Z-focused campaigns in recent years:

  • Spotify’s annual “Wrapped” campaign taps into Gen Z’s love of music, personalization, and shareable social content.
  • Crocs’ “Come As You Are” campaign celebrated individuality and featured Gen Z-loved celebrities and influencers.
  • Fenty Beauty’s inclusive marketing and diverse product ranges align with Gen Z values.
  • Wendy’s snarky, meme-filled Twitter presence entertains and engages.
  • Glossier’s user-generated content and influencer partnerships feel authentic and relatable.

The key takeaways: embrace short-form video, work with appropriate influencers, highlight your brand values, co-create with your audience, and above all, keep it real. Master that and you’ll be well on your way to capturing the hearts (and wallets) of Gen Z.

About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.