Apple iOS 14.5, iOS 16, and iOS 17 Ask App Not to Track for data privacy

How to Save Your Ad Revenue on Facebook After 2 Years of Apple’s “Ask App Not to Track”


Navigating the digital landscape has always been a thrilling adventure for direct response marketers. But what happens when the winds change direction, and the previously calm waters start to stir? A previous Apple update iPhone, iOS 14.5, unleashed such a storm with its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature – an iceberg that the S.S. Facebook is now having to steer around.

But that was 2021; we’re a full 2 years later on iOS 16, and soon iOS 17. So how can this seemingly small update still have such an impact on mobile marketing? And what can marketers do to save their ad revenue?

The digital world is undergoing a seismic shift towards a future where user privacy is not just respected, but championed. Privacy is no longer a side feature – it’s becoming the heart of the digital user experience. And while this transition to a privacy-focused digital space is crucial, it is also challenging.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Today, we’re going to dive deep into these murky waters and explore how the ATT feature impacts Facebook app ads. We’ll analyze the challenges direct response marketers are facing and discuss potential solutions to adapt to these changing tides.

The Dawn of App Tracking Transparency

As digital citizens, we spend countless hours navigating the digital seas, leaving behind trails of data like breadcrumbs on our journeys. For years, these breadcrumbs were the key to creating highly personalized advertising experiences.

Enter the Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), a unique random identifier assigned by Apple to a user’s device. The IDFA was like a map that advertisers could use to understand a user’s path across different apps downloaded from the App Store and websites.

But in April 2021, Apple introduced a game-changing privacy feature with the launch of iOS 14.5 operating system: Apple’s App Tracking Transparency feature (ATT).

Why, you ask? Well, it’s all about privacy.

Apple has made a concerted effort to give users greater control over their personal data and who can track it. With privacy becoming a growing concern amongst users worldwide, Apple’s decision aligns with a broader shift towards safeguarding digital privacy.

The ATT policy is as simple as it is significant. When users download or update iPhone apps on their Apple devices, they’re presented with a prompt asking if they want the app to track their activity across other companies’ apps and websites. Users can either grant permission by selecting “Allow Apps to Request to Track,” or deny access by choosing “Ask App Not to Track” when they receive the pop-up. It’s a choice, and in an increasingly privacy-conscious world, it’s a choice that many users are taking seriously.

This control over privacy even extended as far as implying that if app developers didn’t incorporate app tracking and ad tracking details in their listing, then

And what does this mean for the IDFA, that once-reliable map for advertisers?

When users select “Ask App Not to Track,” apps are prevented from accessing the user’s IDFA. It’s akin to taking away the compass from a sailor, making the sea of digital advertising a bit more challenging to navigate.

This has been a significant change, indeed, but how has it truly impacted the advertising world, particularly on platforms like Facebook that have historically relied on such data? And how have both Meta and Apple allowed such a blow to continue to hit marketers—the fuel that keeps their platforms running?

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The Tsunami Hits – How ATT Shook Facebook Ads

The introduction of App Tracking Transparency (ATT) sent shockwaves through the digital advertising world, with Facebook at the epicenter. After all, Facebook and its suite of apps have been sailing on the sea of personalized advertising, using data to deliver hyper-targeted ads. But when a significant chunk of this data was suddenly taken off the table, the waves started crashing.

Decreased Ad Personalization

The first and perhaps the most substantial blow was to ad personalization. Prior to ATT, Facebook collected a wealth of user data across various apps and websites, painting a picture of the iPhone user’s digital journey. These details were the fuel that powered Facebook’s ad personalization engine.

However, ATT’s restrictions have reduced access to this fuel. When users opt for “Ask App Not to Track,” Facebook’s ability to deliver personalized ads takes a hit. Consequently, ad performance and user engagement may not pack the same punch they once did. The ripples of this change are being felt by advertisers who used to rely on such hyper-targeting to drive their campaigns.

Conversion Tracking in Murky Waters

Then there’s the issue of conversion tracking. For direct response marketers, understanding how users interact with their ads and their subsequent actions (like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter) is paramount. It’s this information that allows marketers to tweak and refine their strategies, ensuring their ship is on course.

However, ATT has cast a fog over this crucial insight. The new policy curtails Facebook’s capacity to track conversions, especially over longer attribution windows, making it harder for marketers to map the customer journey and assess the effectiveness of their campaigns.

The Shrinking World of Audience Network

Facebook’s Audience Network extended the reach of campaigns beyond Facebook and Instagram to other third-party apps and websites. It was like having an entire fleet of ships at your disposal. But the ATT policy struck right at its heart.

The Audience Network relied heavily on IDFA for ad targeting and delivery. With ATT in play and users opting out of tracking, the fleet’s reach is shrinking. Advertisers who used to depend on the extended reach of the Audience Network are now having to navigate narrower channels.

Eroding Shores: Advertiser Confidence Takes a Hit

With these changes making waves, advertiser confidence in Facebook as a platform for effective targeted advertising is under threat. Some marketers are questioning whether they’re still getting a good return on their investment and if advertising on Facebook is even worth the effort if they can’t target on mobile.

The storm isn’t over, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Yes, ATT has rocked the boat, but it’s also an opportunity to recalibrate our compasses. In the next section, we’ll explore strategies that direct response marketers can use to weather this storm and continue charting a successful course.

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Charting a New Course – Workarounds for Marketers

Though the storm brought about by ATT is turbulent, it’s essential for direct response marketers to remember that every challenge presents an opportunity. Sure, our old maps may not work as well, but that only means it’s time to chart a new course. Let’s look at some of the strategies marketers can employ to navigate these choppy waters.

Embrace the Change

Firstly, we must recognize that these changes reflect the evolving expectations of users regarding privacy. It’s an opportunity to rebuild trust with your audience by showing them that you respect their choices and are committed to protecting their privacy. Transparency and open communication about data usage can go a long way in nurturing this trust.

Keep in mind: you can still fully target on the desktop and for consumers using Android devices. There is no direct Android equivalent to “Ask App Not to Track” (yet), so this is an opportunity to segment your audience further.

Diversify Advertising Channels

While it’s true that Facebook’s ad targeting capabilities have taken a hit, it’s crucial not to overlook other advertising channels. Consider diversifying your advertising strategy by exploring other platforms that might be effective for your target audience.

Options might include:

–       Targeting mobile web browser users (Safari, Chrome, Edge), not mobile app users (on iOS), where users are more lenient when it comes to tracking.

–       Navigate your efforts on other social media apps like Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn where the app, alone, gives you context clues as to who the users are.

–       Google Ads and Bing Ads, especially in this new seascape of AI, might be your next big hit.

Leveraging Facebook’s Aggregated Event Measurement

Facebook has responded to ATT with the introduction of Aggregated Event Measurement, designed to help advertisers measure campaign performance in a privacy-conscious manner. While it doesn’t entirely replace the data lost due to ATT, it’s a valuable tool for gauging the impact of your ads.

Refining Targeting Within Facebook

Facebook’s internal data still offers valuable targeting options. Interactions within Facebook or Instagram, such as page likes, post engagement, and more, can help you craft targeted ads. Use these data points creatively to find your target audience.

Content is King

In a world where hyper-targeting is less feasible, compelling content is more important than ever. High-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience can still cut through the noise. Ensure your creative team is up to the task of crafting content that can succeed even without a narrow target audience.

Data Collection & Analytics

Consider other methods of data collection, such as direct user surveys or website analytics. While it may not replace IDFA data, it can still provide insights into customer behavior and preferences. With this data, you can segment your audience and tailor your messaging to suit their needs and wants.

Keep an Eye on the Horizon

The digital advertising world is in constant flux. Staying informed and agile in your strategies is crucial. Subscribe to industry updates, participate in relevant forums, and constantly experiment and adapt your strategies based on your observations.

How to Set Sail and Keep Conversions at an All-Time High

The shifting winds in the world of digital advertising may feel unsettling, but as we’ve seen, they also herald new opportunities. The introduction of App Tracking Transparency (ATT) has fundamentally altered the course of targeted advertising, especially on platforms like Facebook. However, it’s not an insurmountable hurdle but a wake-up call for marketers to innovate and adapt.

However, there’s another important factor for direct response marketers to consider: the processing of online transactions. Given the potential high-risk nature of digital advertising, having a reliable and secure payment solution is vital.

At DirectPayNet, we specialize in high-risk merchant accounts that are tailored to your unique needs. Our dedicated team will work closely with you to understand your small business, providing personalized solutions that help you mitigate risk, maintain cash flow, and secure your transactions. We’re not just a service provider; we’re a partner in your journey, dedicated to helping you navigate the challenges of the digital marketplace.

As we chart our course through this new world of digital advertising, take the first step towards securing your transactions by opening a high-risk merchant account with DirectPayNet. Together, we can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth. Ready to set sail?


About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.