Emails on a conveyor belt

MUST DO Google, Yahoo Email Deliverability Updates for June 1, 2024


June 1, 2024, marks a significant milestone for email marketers worldwide—major updates to email deliverability protocols by Google and Yahoo are set to take effect.

These changes promise to reshape how emails are filtered, delivered, and engaged with by recipients. As email marketers, you must adhere to these updates to maintain high deliverability rates and ensure your campaigns continue to reach their intended audience.

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A man holding a mail envelope in front of a massive shredder.

Filtering is getting intense.

The Changes in Email Filtering Algorithms

Both Google and Yahoo have announced updates to their email filtering algorithms, designed to enhance user experience by prioritizing relevant, high-quality emails while reducing spam and unwanted emails. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:

What Used to Be Allowed

Previously, email marketers on platforms like Google and Yahoo had more leeway in certain practices that are now being restricted under the new guidelines. For instance, the use of excessive imagery and multimedia content in emails was generally tolerated, even if such elements often contributed to slower loading times and potential user frustration. Additionally, the inclusion of multiple links within an email—often seen in promotional campaigns—was less stringently filtered, despite the fact that this practice could sometimes be associated with phishing or spam-like behaviors.

Another significant change revolves around sender authentication protocols. Previously, emails from domains that did not have strict DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) policies or lacked proper DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures were still frequently delivered to user inboxes. The new updates, however, place a greater emphasis on authenticated senders to enhance security and trust in email communications.

Google’s Updates

Google’s new algorithm will place greater emphasis on:

  • Behavioral Analysis: Emails will be assessed based on user engagement metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement.
  • Content Quality: The relevance and quality of email content will play a more significant role in determining deliverability.
  • Sender Reputation: The reputation of the sender domain and IP address will be scrutinized more closely, with past behaviors influencing future deliverability.

Yahoo’s Updates

Yahoo’s updates include:

  • Enhanced Spam Filters: Improved detection of spam-like characteristics, focusing on both textual content and metadata.
  • User Interaction: Greater weight on how users interact with emails, including actions like marking an email as spam, deleting without opening, and forwarding to others.
  • Link and Domain Reputation: Increased scrutiny on links within emails and the overall domain reputation, including the use of third-party services and redirects.

Adapting to the New Protocols

A lot of the principles of having your own dedicated IP come into play with these updates. Here are key strategies to ensure optimal deliverability:

  • Consistency of Volume: Aim to maintain a steady and predictable email volume. Sudden spikes or drops in sending volume can trigger red flags with email service providers, potentially leading to your emails being marked as spam.
  • Audience/Data Segmentation: It becomes even more important to segment your audience effectively. Targeted campaigns based on user preferences and behaviors not only enhance engagement but also signal to the algorithms that your emails are relevant and valuable to the recipients.
  • Monitoring Stats by TLD: Pay close attention to performance metrics specific to top-level domains (TLDs) such as Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc. Each provider may have different thresholds and filters, so understanding how your emails perform across these domains is important for making necessary adjustments to your strategies.
  • Enhanced Tracking Tools: Leveraging the latest tracking tools is key. For example, Google’s Postmaster Tools (GPMT) can provide insights into how your emails are perceived by Gmail users, while similar tools from Yahoo and AOL are emerging to offer comparable benefits. These tools can help you monitor and improve deliverability, ensuring that your emails reach their intended audience effectively.

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A woman sitting in front of her computer editing an email.

Ensure deliverability.

Best Practices for Optimizing Email Deliverability

To navigate these updates successfully, email marketers need to adopt best practices that align with the new filtering algorithms. Here’s what you should focus on:

1. Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Links Matter

Ensure that your website and landing pages prominently display terms of service and privacy policy links. These elements contribute to your site’s credibility and can positively impact your email deliverability.

2. Use a Real Reply Address

Your reply address should have a real, monitored inbox attached. This not only builds trust with your recipients but also ensures that any responses or feedback are received promptly, enhancing engagement and sender reputation.

3. Pay Attention to Your Links

Every level of your links within emails is checked against blacklists. Be cautious with third-party links or link trackers that use third-party redirects, as each element affects the email’s reputation. Ensure all links direct to reputable, trustworthy sites to avoid deliverability issues.

4. Prioritize User Experience

Design your emails with the user experience in mind. Consider how recipients will interact with your emails—will they open and delete, save it, archive it, forward it to a friend, or mark it as spam? Encourage positive interactions by creating engaging, valuable content.

5. Domain Privacy Matters

For senders with mail volumes over 5,000, avoid using private WHOIS setups. Transparency in domain ownership can positively influence your sender reputation and deliverability.

Four businesspeople jumping for joy surrounded by money.

Big brand success.

Examples of Successful Adaptations by Big Brands

Several leading brands and marketers have already made significant strides in adapting to the new email deliverability protocols, showcasing exemplary strategies and results. Here are a few success stories:

1. Amazon

Amazon has long been known for its data-driven approach. By segmenting its customers based on purchasing behavior and preferences, Amazon ensures that its emails are highly relevant to each recipient. This targeted strategy has led to higher open rates and engagement, demonstrating the efficacy of personalized content. Additionally, Amazon rigorously monitors sender reputation metrics, ensuring consistent deliverability by adhering to best practices in volume consistency and authentication protocols.

2. Netflix

Netflix excels in leveraging user interaction data to craft highly personalized email content. By analyzing viewing habits and preferences, Netflix creates bespoke recommendations for each user, leading to increased email interaction and engagement. To comply with new security and reputation standards, Netflix employs robust authentication measures such as SPF and DKIM, ensuring its emails are trusted by service providers and recipients alike.

3. Airbnb

Airbnb has effectively adapted to the new guidelines by focusing on content quality and user engagement. Their email campaigns often feature visually appealing content and engaging stories about destinations, which resonate well with recipients. Airbnb also employs detailed audience segmentation, sending different emails to hosts and guests to maintain relevance. Furthermore, by using authenticated sending domains and maintaining a transparent sender identity, Airbnb sustains a strong sender reputation.

4. Spotify

Spotify’s email marketing strategy hinges on behavioral analysis and content personalization. By tracking user listening habits, Spotify sends tailored recommendations and playlists, ensuring that each email is of high value to the recipient. This approach has led to substantial improvements in open and click-through rates. Spotify also utilizes advanced tracking tools to monitor email performance across different domains, making necessary adjustments to optimize deliverability.

5. Starbucks

Starbucks combines exceptional content quality with a strong emphasis on sender reputation. They regularly update their email content to reflect seasonal promotions and loyalty rewards, keeping it both engaging and timely. By segmenting their audience based on purchase history and preferences, Starbucks ensures that each email feels personal and relevant. Moreover, they maintain strict compliance with email authentication standards, further bolstering their deliverability rates.

These examples illustrate how leading brands are not only embracing but thriving under the new email deliverability protocols. By focusing on personalization, content quality, and sender reputation, they set a benchmark for successful email marketing in the evolving digital landscape.


New Email Deliverability Protocols:

  • Prominent Policy Links: Display terms of service and privacy policy links to boost credibility.
  • Real Reply Address: Use a monitored inbox to build trust and ensure prompt feedback.
  • Reputable Links: Avoid blacklisted links; ensure all links are trustworthy.
  • User Experience: Design engaging emails focused on positive recipient interaction.
  • Transparent Domain Ownership: Avoid private WHOIS for volumes over 5,000 for better sender reputation.

Success Stories:

  • Amazon: Personalized, data-driven email strategies leading to high engagement.
  • Netflix: Bespoke recommendations based on user interaction data.
  • Airbnb: Visually appealing content and detailed audience segmentation.
  • Spotify: Tailored recommendations and playlists based on user habits.
  • Starbucks: Seasonal promotions and loyalty rewards with a strong sender reputation.

Conclusion: Adapt to maintain and improve email deliverability amidst the new protocols. Focus on high-quality, engaging content and reputable practices to succeed in the evolving digital landscape. Share this valuable information to help others thrive in email marketing.



What are the new email deliverability protocols?

The new email deliverability protocols introduced by Google and Yahoo, effective June 1, 2024, encompass stricter measures for sender reputation, authentication, and content quality. These changes are designed to enhance inbox security and user experience by ensuring only trustworthy and relevant emails reach recipients.

How can I ensure my emails are not marked as spam?

To prevent your emails from being marked as spam, adhere to best practices for email deliverability. This includes using a real reply address, prioritizing user experience in email design, ensuring all links are reputable, and maintaining domain transparency. Additionally, authenticating your emails with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols can significantly improve your sender reputation.

What role does sender reputation play in email deliverability?

Sender reputation is crucial in determining whether your emails land in the recipient’s inbox or are filtered out as spam. Factors influencing sender reputation include email volume, frequency, engagement metrics, complaint rates, and authentication status. Maintaining a high sender reputation involves consistent, high-quality email practices and adherence to deliverability protocols.

How often should I update my email content?

Regularly updating your email content helps maintain relevance and engagement with your audience. Seasonal promotions, personalized recommendations, and timely information not only captivate recipients but also demonstrate your commitment to delivering valuable content. Aim to refresh your email content to reflect current trends, preferences, and behaviors.

What is the importance of email authentication?

Email authentication, through protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, verifies the legitimacy of your emails, reducing the risk of being flagged as spam. Authentication ensures that your emails are trusted by both service providers and recipients, thereby enhancing your deliverability rates. Implementing these protocols is essential in building and maintaining a strong sender reputation.

How can I measure the success of my email campaigns?

Success in email campaigns can be gauged through various metrics, including open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels. Detailed analytics and performance tracking tools can provide insights into how recipients interact with your emails, allowing you to optimize future campaigns for better results. Monitoring these metrics consistently helps identify areas for improvement and success.

What are some examples of best practices for email deliverability?

Best practices for email deliverability include using segmented lists to target specific audiences, crafting personalized and engaging content, employing authenticating measures, and avoiding private WHOIS setups for high-volume senders. Additionally, maintaining transparency in your email practices and monitoring sender reputation metrics regularly can ensure optimal deliverability.

By following these FAQs, you can better understand and navigate the new email deliverability landscape, ensuring your campaigns continue to be effective and reach their intended audience.

About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.