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The Power of Prime on Shopify, How Merchants Should Handle Amazon’s Buy with Prime Checkout


The checkout experience often serves as the ultimate determinant of whether a browsing visitor becomes a loyal customer. The right balance between speed, security, and familiarity can make all the difference.

And now, with the exciting collaboration between Shopify and Amazon, integrating the “Buy with Prime” feature, the landscape is shifting once again.

For Shopify merchants, this presents both opportunities and challenges. How does one tap into the trust that Amazon commands while retaining the unique flavor of their brand? And what does this integration really mean for the future of your Shopify store? Dive in as we unpack these questions and explore the evolving synergy between these two e-commerce titans.

A Quick Dive into the Shopify-Amazon Collaboration

Shopify and Amazon – two names that resonate loudly in the e-commerce universe. The recent news about their collaboration has undoubtedly caused ripples throughout the online retail community. Let’s delve deeper into this groundbreaking partnership:

  • Announcement Recap: The e-commerce space witnessed a significant development as Amazon unveiled its intention to integrate the Buy with Prime app for Shopify. This move facilitates a seamless interaction between Amazon’s trusted Prime button and the myriad of Shopify stores gracing the online space.
  • Prime Benefits on Shopify: The marriage of these platforms brings forth exciting prospects for Prime members. Now, when they shop on a Shopify store, they can enjoy Amazon’s hallmark free delivery and easy returns. The massive reach of Amazon’s fulfillment network guarantees that Prime members receive their products with the same level of efficiency they’re accustomed to when shopping directly on Amazon.
  • Payment Simplified: When a customer eyes that enticing product on a Shopify store, the Buy with Prime option beckons. With a single click, Prime members can utilize their saved Amazon wallet payment method, and voila! The purchase is made. Behind the scenes, Shopify Payments takes the baton, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transaction process.
  • Feedback and Future Prospects: Shopify President Harley Finkelstein and Peter Larsen, the Vice President of Buy with Prime at Amazon, offered a glimpse into the positive merchant responses they’ve received for the Buy with Prime button. Emphasizing the collaboration’s focus, Larsen shared how this integration is sculpted to bolster businesses, conserve time, and bring Prime shopping benefits to broader horizons.

Canada’s Shopify stock (SHOP) increased by as much as 9% and Amazon stock (AMZN) increased by over 10% after the collaboration announcement.

Shopify merchants still need a merchant account. Get yours here.

Hosted vs. Branded Checkout Pages

At the heart of every online purchase lies a crucial moment: the checkout. The final steps that determine whether a customer commits or abandons their cart. Two primary approaches dominate this stage in e-commerce: hosted and branded checkout pages. As the lines blur with integrations like “Buy with Prime” on Shopify checkouts, it becomes essential to understand these methods’ nuances.

Branded Checkout Pages

  • Basics: Branded checkout pages are custom-designed and inherently match the website’s look, feel, and brand identity. Tailored to fit seamlessly within a store, they offer a consistent user experience from browsing to purchasing.
  • Pros:
    • Cohesive User Experience: It ensures the customer never feels like they’ve left your store.
    • Customizability: Merchants can tailor the process, from upselling opportunities to tailored thank you messages.
    • Brand Trust: A consistent look builds and maintains trust throughout the shopping journey.
  • Cons:
    • Security Concerns: Merchants are often responsible for ensuring data protection and security, which can be daunting.
    • Potentially Higher Abandonment: Without the trust of a known payment gateway, some customers may hesitate at the final step.

Hosted Checkout Pages

  • Basics: Hosted checkout pages, like those offered by PayPal or Amazon’s Buy with Prime, redirect shoppers to an external site to complete their purchase. These are standardized pages hosted by third-party payment providers.
  • Pros:
    • Trust Factor: Platforms like Amazon have built monumental trust. Customers feel secure knowing a reputable third party handles their information.
    • Ease of Use: Often faster and requires less setup and maintenance from the merchant’s perspective.
    • Enhanced Security: The responsibility of data protection shifts to the hosting entity, which usually has robust security measures in place.
  • Cons:
    • Disjointed User Experience: Shoppers are taken out of the store’s environment, which can be jarring or confusing.
    • Less Branding Control: Merchants lose the opportunity to control the final stages of the customer journey.

Why You Should Still Prioritize a Branded Checkout Page

Branded checkout pages are more than just a visual treat; they’re pivotal for your brand’s identity and overall customer experience. Let’s look at what makes them superior.

  1. Fostering Brand Loyalty – Branding isn’t limited to logos and color schemes; it encapsulates the entire customer journey. A branded checkout page ensures that this journey is consistent from the moment a visitor enters your store to the final purchase confirmation. It’s an opportunity to make a lasting impression, one that nudges a one-time shopper towards becoming a loyal customer.
  2. Creating Unique Shopping Experiences – In the vast sea of e-commerce storefronts, what makes yours stand out? Beyond your unique products, it’s the tailored shopping experience. Branded checkout pages can offer personalized product recommendations, special offers, or even fun animations—all crafting a memorable checkout experience.
  3. Controlling Customer Data – With branded checkouts, you have direct access and control over your customer data. This is invaluable for future marketing strategies, personalized offers, and understanding your customer demographics. Third-party hosted checkouts might not provide the same level of insight, potentially hampering your growth strategies.
  4. Strengthening Brand Trust – While third-party checkouts from recognized names can instill trust, consistently branded pages can do the same over time. Customers grow familiar with your brand’s look and feel, which can reassure them during the checkout process. It’s about building a rapport where they recognize—and trust—your brand’s signature touchpoints.
  5. Flexibility and Customization – Having your branded checkout page means you’re at the helm. Want to introduce a new discount system or incorporate a loyalty program into the checkout process? You have the flexibility to innovate without being limited by third-party constraints.
  6. Upselling and Cross-selling Opportunities – Branded checkout pages allow merchants to weave in upselling or cross-selling seamlessly. Displaying related products, complementary accessories, or limited-time offers can boost sales while enhancing the shopping experience.

Struggling with your checkout? We’re here to help!

The Power and Trust in Amazon’s “Buy with Prime” Button

Amazon, the e-commerce behemoth, has etched its mark on the consumer psyche. For many, the Amazon brand is synonymous with reliability, speed, and a vast selection. It’s no wonder, then, that the “Buy with Prime” button carries a weight of trust and recognition. Here’s why this integration is more than just a convenient checkout option.

  1. Instant Brand Trust – When customers see the Amazon Buy with Prime button on your product’s detail page or at checkout, there’s an immediate association with Amazon’s trusted brand. This trust translates to increased confidence in the transaction, often leading to higher conversion rates.
  2. Familiarity Breeds Comfort – For the millions of Prime members, the checkout process with Amazon is a routine. The familiarity of using their Amazon account details, the saved payment methods, and the knowledge of quick deliveries through Amazon’s fulfillment network bring an unparalleled comfort level.
  3. Enhanced Convenience – The sheer convenience of tapping into the saved Amazon wallet for payments eliminates the need for entering payment details afresh. This frictionless payment option can drastically reduce cart abandonment rates.
  4. Benefits of Prime – Free delivery and easy returns are among the key perks that Prime members cherish. When they spot and use Buy with Prime on your Shopify store, they’re immediately aware that they can avail of these benefits, making the purchasing decision swifter.
  5. Expanding Customer Base – Amazon Prime has a vast membership base. By integrating the “Buy with Prime” button, Shopify merchants can potentially tap into this vast pool, attracting new customers who prioritize the advantages of their Prime membership.
  6. Leveraging Amazon’s Infrastructure – Amazon’s multi-channel fulfillment network means products are often delivered faster and more efficiently. For merchants, this also signifies fewer logistical hassles and potential savings.
  7. Enhanced Customer Experience – For shoppers, choice is king. By providing an additional, trusted payment option, you’re enhancing the customer’s experience, giving them the flexibility to choose their preferred checkout method, be it Shop Pay, Amazon Pay, or any other.

However, as powerful as the “Buy with Prime” button is, it’s essential to remember it’s an enhancement to your e-commerce arsenal, not a replacement. While it provides the trust and efficiency of Amazon, it doesn’t replace the unique brand identity and experience that your Shopify store offers.

How Should Shopify Merchants Proceed?

As the line between independent e-commerce storefronts and industry titans like Amazon blurs, Shopify merchants are presented with both challenges and opportunities. With the introduction of the “Buy with Prime” integration, what’s the best way forward?

Embrace the Best of Both Worlds

Don’t view the “Buy with Prime” integration as an “either/or” situation with your branded checkout. Instead, harness its power to complement your existing systems. Offer the Prime button as a supplemental checkout option, allowing customers the choice while preserving your store’s unique branded experience.

Stay True to Your Brand Identity

Amidst the rush to integrate popular features, never lose sight of your brand’s essence. The colors, design, and ethos of your branded checkout pages serve as crucial touchpoints. They should co-exist with third-party integrations, ensuring your brand’s voice remains dominant.

Monitor and Adjust

As with any new feature, it’s vital to track its performance. Monitor metrics like conversion rates, average order values, and customer feedback after integrating “Buy with Prime”. Use this data to adjust your strategies and optimize the shopping experience.

Celebrate the Alliance, But Keep an Eye Out

While collaborations like the one between Shopify and Amazon are momentous, always be aware of the broader e-commerce landscape. Alliances can shift, new players can emerge, and customer preferences can change. Always be ready to pivot and adapt.

Final Thoughts

For Shopify merchants, each day brings opportunities to grow, innovate, and serve their customers better. With the recent integration of Amazon’s Buy with Prime, the potential to tap into Amazon’s vast Prime membership and its associated trust is undoubtedly enticing.

However, as we’ve journeyed through this discussion, one thing remains crystal clear: while third-party integrations offer a plethora of advantages, they never should, and never can, replace the unique identity and trust you’ve built with your brand. The heart and soul of your online store, your brand, is irreplaceable.

While leveraging platforms like Amazon is strategic, it’s also essential to have partners that understand the nuances of e-commerce, especially in the high-risk sector. That’s where DirectPayNet comes in. With our expertise, we’re here to assist in ensuring smooth transactions, maximizing your revenue, and navigating the complexities of the high-risk merchant landscape.


About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.