calendar with gifts and holiday decor

Master the Holiday Return Rush, Day-Of Product Returns Best Practices


Here we are, the season of giving…and holiday returns. For e-commerce and direct response merchants, this period can be as challenging as it is rewarding.

Christmas Day marks not only a celebration but also the beginning of one of the busiest return periods of the year. Knowing this, an effective holiday return policy isn’t just a customer service feature; it’s an essential component of your business strategy that can significantly influence customer loyalty and your bottom line.

And while the focus is in the American market, this applies to all businesses across the globe.

The holiday season transforms the usual ecommerce dynamics. Customers, empowered by the festive spirit and a sense of urgency, expect more flexibility and efficiency. Retailers, on the other hand, face the balancing act between these expectations and operational feasibility.

This is where a well-crafted holiday return policy becomes part of the equation. It’s not just about managing returns and refunds; it’s about creating an experience that leaves customers feeling valued and respected, even when they’re returning an online purchase.

holiday gifts and receipts in front of a shopping website computer screen

The ins and outs of holiday returns.

Understanding the Holiday Return Landscape

The holiday season, with its spirit of giving and celebration, also heralds a significant spike in retail purchases. This increase in shopping activity inevitably leads to a higher volume of returns immediately following Christmas Day.

Trends and Statistics

Post-Christmas returns have become an expected part of the holiday shopping cycle. A study by the National Retail Federation indicated that a significant percentage of holiday gift purchases are returned each year, with the days following Christmas being particularly busy (thus, the importance of including a gift receipt option at checkout).

This trend is accentuated by the rise in online shopping, where customers are more likely to return items due to sizing issues or a change of heart.

Customer Expectations

During the holidays, customer expectations for returns are heightened. They look for flexibility in return windows, clarity in return policies, and convenience in the return process. For example, instead of just a 1-week window, you can extend to a 30-day return window or even a 90-day return window depending on the type of product sold.

The holiday spirit often means customers expect a more forgiving and accommodating approach from retailers.

Operational Challenges

For retailers, managing this influx of returns requires a well-oiled logistics machine. It’s not just about processing returns quickly, but also about restocking items efficiently, managing inventory, and maintaining customer service quality.

These operational challenges affect customers more than you might realize. It could be by way of restocking fees, return shipping fees, penalties for not returning a product in its original packaging, or lack of full refund options.

The key is to turn the challenge of holiday returns into an opportunity for enhancing the customer experience.

Strategic Response

To navigate this landscape, retailers need to have a clear, communicative, and customer-friendly return policy. They must also ensure that their logistics and customer service teams are prepared for the increased workload. Smart strategies like extended return windows or free return shipping can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By understanding the dynamics of the holiday return landscape, retailers can better prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities it presents. This preparation is not just about handling returns; it’s about building a lasting relationship with customers that extends beyond the holiday season.

Too many refund requests? Get a processor than supports your fluctuations.

handshake surrounded by gifts and business-related graphics

Big businesses, big volumes, big returns.

Big Business Strategies for Efficient Returns

In big business, those with enormous transaction volumes, managing holiday returns efficiently is a critical aspect of customer satisfaction and operational success. Major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy have set benchmarks in this arena, offering insights into effective strategies.

Immediate Response and 24/7 Customer Service

Large retailers understand the importance of immediacy. They often provide round-the-clock customer service during the holiday season to address return requests and queries promptly. This approach minimizes customer frustration and enhances the overall shopping experience.

Speedy Processing of Returns

Big businesses prioritize the rapid processing of returns. By utilizing advanced logistics and technology, they ensure that return requests are handled the same day they are received. This efficiency not only improves customer satisfaction but also helps in quick inventory turnover.

Swift Refunds

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, the speed of issuing refunds can be a significant differentiator. Major retailers strive to process refunds as quickly as possible, often within a few days of receiving the returned item. This promptness builds trust and encourages repeat business.

Strong Fulfillment Center Partnerships

Effective returns management requires robust backend support. Big businesses invest in strong partnerships with fulfillment centers to streamline the return process. These partnerships facilitate efficient sorting, inspection, and restocking of returned items.

Preventing Chargebacks

Chargebacks can be a significant issue during the holiday season. Large retailers implement strict fraud detection and clear communication strategies to minimize the occurrence of chargebacks, protecting both the customer and the business.

By adopting these strategies, big businesses set a high standard for managing holiday returns. Their focus on speed, efficiency, and customer satisfaction offers valuable lessons for any retailer aiming to excel in the e-commerce landscape.

hand writing on a small calendar surrounded by holiday gifts, credit cards, clocks, and phones

Small businesses have a bit more wiggle room when it comes to returns.

Small Business Approaches to Personalized Return Policies

While large retailers often rely on system-driven approaches to manage holiday returns, small businesses can leverage their unique position to offer more personalized return policies. These strategies can help small businesses stand out and build a loyal customer base.

Personalized Customer Service

Small businesses can offer a more personalized touch in their customer service. This might involve direct communication from the owner or a small team, offering a human element that big businesses often lack. This personal connection can be particularly effective during the holiday season when customers seek a more empathetic approach.

Flexible Return Processing

Unlike major retailers, small businesses may not be able to process returns immediately but can still offer flexibility. For example, a small business owner can appeal to customers by stating that returns and refunds will be processed within the next three days, allowing time to spend with family during the holidays. This approach can create a sense of understanding and patience among customers.

Alternatives to Returns

Small businesses can be more creative in offering alternatives to returns. For digital products, instead of a return, they might offer a discount on future purchases, a gift card, or a store credit, which can help retain the customer and reduce the logistical burden of processing a return.

Building Trust and Loyalty

By handling returns in a way that respects both the customer’s needs and the business’s limitations, small businesses can build trust and loyalty. A transparent and honest approach about return processing times during the holidays can enhance customer relationships. No one wants—or will—read the fine print, so don’t keep the details hidden away.

By focusing on personalized service and flexible policies, small businesses can effectively manage holiday returns while strengthening their customer relationships.

megaphone surrounded by gifts and people and lists and clipboards and other business-related icons

Best practices for all.

Best Practices for All Retailers

Whether operating as a large corporation or a small business, certain best practices in handling returns are universally beneficial. Implementing these strategies can enhance customer satisfaction and streamline the return process during the busy holiday season.

Clear Communication of Return Policies

Transparency is key. Retailers should ensure that their return policies are clearly communicated to customers, ideally at checkout. This includes details about the return window, conditions for free returns, and any restocking fees.

Offering Multiple Return Options

Providing customers with various return options for their holiday purchase, such as in-store, mail-in, or even digital product returns, caters to different preferences and enhances the customer experience. This flexibility can significantly reduce friction in the return process.

Handling Special Cases with Care

Retailers should have specific policies for special cases like activatable devices (e.g., mobile phones), products with warranties (e.g., Microsoft or Apple products), or items marked as final sale. Clear guidelines for these cases help avoid confusion and disputes.

Efficient Inventory Management

Efficiently managing returned inventory is critical. This involves promptly restocking items, if possible, and handling non-restockable items in a cost-effective manner.

Inventory management also applies to invoices and customer receipts. To improve logistics and keep your inventory managed properly, even in the event of a return, customer invoices should have an order number, purchase date, last four digits of their credit card, purchase price, and return/refund policy within X days of purchase.

These proof of purchase details help your customer support team effectively issue a refund and efficiently process a return you can sell that item again.

Focusing on Customer Satisfaction

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure customer satisfaction. This might mean going beyond the standard policy to accommodate unique customer situations, especially during the holiday season.

By adopting these best practices, retailers can effectively manage holiday returns, leading to happier customers and a smoother operational process.

calendar with magnifying glass focusing on a checkmark

New year, new policy, bigger profits.

Preparing for the New Year, Beyond the Holiday Season

As the holiday season winds down, it’s crucial for retailers to look ahead and prepare for the future. Learning from the current season’s experiences and planning for the next year can make a significant difference in handling returns more efficiently and improving customer satisfaction.

Analyzing Current Season’s Data

Review the data and feedback from this holiday season. Identify patterns, common issues, and customer preferences. This analysis can provide valuable insights for refining your return policies and processes.

Planning for Key Dates

Mark your calendar for the next year’s major shopping events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the pre-Christmas shopping rush. Prepare strategies and resources in advance to handle the increased volume of sales and potential returns.

Continuous Customer Feedback Loop

Establish a system for continuous customer feedback. Understanding customer needs and addressing their concerns can lead to improvements in your return policy and overall service.

Long-term Strategies for Seamless Returns

Develop long-term strategies that focus on making the return process as seamless as possible. This might include investing in better logistics, enhancing customer service training, or updating your return policy to be more customer-friendly.

By taking these steps, retailers can not only improve their return processes but also strengthen their overall customer service, leading to increased customer loyalty and a better brand reputation.


About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.