From Instagram model to business owner

From Instagram Model To Entrepreneur. Scale Into The Big Leagues (Pt. 2)


Welcome to part two of our blog post on how to transition from being an Instagram model to an entrepreneur. While it is very possible to make good income from Instagram, it is not a sustainable long-term solution. To really make money, you need to sell your own product or service independent of social media.

If you already promote weight loss teas, supplements, breast or butt enhancement creams, travel services or even racy adult content, you are likely classified as a high-risk brand. Consequently, we will explain how to manage this business label. This blog post will also discuss how to navigate payment processing so you can finally accept credit card payments online.

From Instagram model to high-risk merchant

Depending on your follower count and monthly income, you could be on your way to having a brand on Instagram and a large enough audience for a lucrative business venture. That’s because where many businesses fail is in the lack of coverage and non-existent community/audience on social media platforms. You are already in a prime position to capitalize on the audience you’ve developed as an influencer.


Business ideas for Instagram models and influencers

Some of the product or service ideas you could consider as lucrative ventures that would perfectly align with an Instagram presence include, but are not limited to:

  • Oral health or topical cosmeceuticals (e.g. teeth whitening, butt enhancement creams, athletic gels)
  • Monthly subscription offers (e.g. beauty boxes, clothing, snacks)
  • Lingerie, underwear, sex toys or some other form of adult retail
  • Health and wellness supplements
  • Fitness, weight loss or bodybuilding training programs (digital products with or without a subscription)
  • Fetish content, or more risqué adult webcam or streaming services (again, with or without a subscription)
  • Info product or business opportunity (e.g., an e-book or 1-hour course on how to make $10k a month as an IG model)

Ultimately, the possibilities are endless! The main idea, however, is that a lot of these very lucrative online business ideas would make you a high risk merchant. Therefore, finding the right payment solution will become an issue. Accepting credit card payments through PayPal or Stripe are not the best solutions for your website. Neither of these payment processors accept high-risk business models, because they do not like reputational risk. But, we can help you find a payment solution that will.

Accepting credit cards can be challenging

Naturally once you’ve launched your business you will want to accept payments by credit card on your website. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to move from accepting a check from outside sources versus getting money directly from customers. If you’re an Instagram model or influencer and become classified as a high-risk business, getting payment processing services can be challenging.

More than likely you will flock to payment methods like Stripe and PayPal for what you currently earn from your affiliate promotions and sponsored posts. However, these methods won’t be acceptable if you sell a more risky or adult-related product, or once you’ve started generating a high amount of income per month. A business that is generating $10,000 or more monthly can lead to your activities being scrutinized by these processors.


PayPal and Stripe might terminate your payment processing

Traditional payment providers are often leery of working with high-risk business models. Once you’re a coach (whether it’s fitness, life or business), an influencer or web cam girl, your Stripe or PayPal account will get suspended. This is especially the case when you start earning more money and may be subject to a few customer complaints. It’s the fear of fraud, chargebacks and other high-risk issues that can curtail your activities on these platforms. That’s why dedicated merchant accounts for high-risk business models exist.

Upgrading to a merchant account can be easy. To start, develop a good financial history. Maintaining a good credit rating and bank statements will help your case. Also, having positive media and Google search results can help you get approved for a merchant account despite the high-risk nature of your business.


So, what can you do?

It’s time to graduate from just being an Instagram model. Use your Instafamous status to think like a true business owner. Instagram isn’t the only way to make a living. It’s time to use the platform to complement your new business and get approved for a merchant account. If you’re not yet at $10,000 in revenue per month, it’s time to step up your game. Start being the entrepreneur you know you have the skills to be. Let’s talk!

All high-risk payment providers are not created equal. You need a high-risk merchant account that can work with and for your business. Our team of experts will guide you through some options to set up your business backend properly to accept credit cards. Consequently, this will help scale your online business. Email us today!

About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.