3d render of a man holding a virtual reality headset to his eyes.

The Metaverse Is Still Brimming with Business Opportunities


The metaverse generated a massive buzz in 2021-2022 when Meta pivoted its focus and poured billions into investments. However, the hype has since cooled due to Meta’s significant losses in its Reality Labs division, the cryptocurrency crash, and shifting consumer behavior in the post-pandemic world.

Despite these setbacks, most business leaders remain optimistic about the metaverse’s long-term potential. A 2023 survey by Protiviti and Oxford University found that two-thirds of executives believe Web3 and the metaverse will significantly impact the economy and their business success over the next decade.


Web3 and Crypto Will Power the Metaverse

The metaverse represents a key component of the decentralized, interoperable vision of Web3. This next generation of the internet aims to break free from the centralized control of big tech companies and empower users with greater ownership and control over their digital lives.

Blockchain: The Foundation of the Open Metaverse

Blockchain technology enables digital asset ownership, a core tenet of the open metaverse. By leveraging non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and other blockchain-based assets, users can truly own their virtual items, from avatars and clothing to virtual real estate and artwork.

This ownership fosters a sense of investment and belonging in virtual worlds, driving engagement and economic activity.

Play-to-Earn: Pioneering the Metaverse Economy

Gaming and virtual worlds are already demonstrating the potential of play-to-earn models powered by cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Games like Axie Infinity and Decentraland allow players to earn real-world value through their in-game activities, such as breeding and battling creatures or creating and selling virtual goods. And other games like Fortnite and Roblox create immerse customer experiences that connect with the real world.

These early successes hint at the vast economic opportunities that await in the metaverse.

Decentralized Governance: Empowering Virtual Communities

As the metaverse grows, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) will likely play a significant role in governing virtual worlds and communities. By using blockchain-based voting and decision-making mechanisms, DAOs can give users a direct say in the development and operation of metaverse platforms, ensuring that they serve the interests of their communities rather than those of centralized authorities.


Big Tech’s Metaverse Ambitions

Despite facing significant short-term losses, Meta remains steadfast in its commitment to the metaverse, investing billions of dollars in VR and AR hardware and software development.

In 2021, Meta spent a staggering $10.2 billion on its Reality Labs division, and in the first three quarters of 2022 alone, the company invested an additional $9.4 billion. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged that these investments may not pay off until the end of the decade, but he firmly believes that VR and AR will become the next major computing platforms.

Meta’s Long-Term Vision

Meta’s long-term strategy involves allocating resources across various aspects of the metaverse. According to Zuckerberg, more than half of the company’s Reality Labs spending goes toward augmented reality, with the goal of releasing “truly great” AR headsets later in the decade.

About 40% of the investment is directed to virtual reality, while the remaining 10% is focused on social platforms like Horizon, Meta’s proto-metaverse.

Apple’s Vision Pro: Mainstreaming Immersive Computing

Apple, a formidable player in the tech industry, enters the metaverse race with its Vision Pro headset, which aims to bring immersive computing to the mainstream, albeit without explicitly using the term “metaverse”.

Apple’s approach targets early adopters, developers, and businesses as its primary customers, leveraging the company’s ecosystem and reputation for seamless integration with its existing products like the iPhone and iPad.

The Importance of Platform Compatibility

As big tech companies like Meta and Apple invest heavily in their respective metaverse platforms, compatibility will be a crucial factor for developers and entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on this emerging market.

Ensuring that their applications and experiences function smoothly across both Meta and Apple’s ecosystems will be essential for reaching a broad user base and maximizing their chances of success.


Opportunities for Businesses and Entrepreneurs

As the metaverse continues to take shape, businesses and entrepreneurs are presented with a wealth of new opportunities to engage with customers, create new revenue streams, and establish themselves as early leaders in this emerging virtual space.

Engaging Customers in Immersive Experiences

Customer engagement and marketing stand out as the top near-term use cases for the metaverse. Brands can create immersive, interactive experiences that allow customers to explore products, attend virtual events, and connect with others in ways that transcend traditional online interactions.

For example, fashion brands like Gucci and Nike have already experimented with virtual clothing and accessories, while car manufacturers like Nissan and Toyota have created virtual showrooms where customers can explore and customize vehicles.

Tapping into New Revenue Streams

The metaverse opens up a wide array of new revenue opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs. Virtual real estate, in particular, has emerged as a hot market, with prices for prime locations in popular digitale worlds like Decentraland and The Sandbox reaching millions of dollars.

As the metaverse grows, demand for virtual property is expected to increase, presenting opportunities for investors, developers, and businesses looking to establish a presence in these digital landscapes.

Other potential revenue streams include virtual fashion, accessories, and collectibles, which can be sold as NFTs, as well as virtual events, such as concerts, conferences, and product launches.

It may do entrepreneurs well to explore this new market without linking to the physical world. Products like digital twins, fantastical new world simulations, and more are more than possible in the metaverse’s digital worlds.

As more people spend time in the metaverse, the demand for unique, enaging, and valuable virtual experiences will only continue to grow.

Focusing on Utility and Fun

While the metaverse presents numerous opportunities, it’s important that ecommerce businesses and entrepreneurs to focus on projects that prioritize utility and fun over mere hype. The most successful metaverse initiatives will be those that solve real problems, provide genuine value to users, and offer engaging, enjoyable experiences.

For example, a virtual education platform that allows students to learn and collaborate in immersive environments could revolutionize remote learning, while a virtual wellness center that offers guided meditations and yoga classes could help healthcare professionals better connect with remote clients.


Challenges to Overcome

As the metaverse continues to develop, businesses and entrepreneurs must navigate a range of challenges to ensure widespread adoption and long-term success. From hardware limitations to privacy concerns, addressing these hurdles will be crucial for unlocking the full potential of the metaverse.

Enhancing Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality Hardware

One of the primary challenges facing the metaverse is the current state of VR and AR hardware. While devices like the Meta Quest and Apple Vision Pro represent significant advancements, there is still room for improvement in terms of comfort, cost, and ease of use.

Headsets can be heavy and cumbersome, causing discomfort during extended use, and high prices may deter many potential users from adopting the technology.

To drive widespread adoption, hardware manufacturers must focus on creating lighter, more ergonomic devices that can be worn comfortably for longer periods. Additionally, finding ways to reduce production costs and offer more affordable options will be essential for making VR and AR accessible to a broader audience.

Crafting Compelling Experiences

Another challenge lies in developing metaverse experiences that truly captivate users and solve real problems. Simply replicating existing apps and services in a 3D environment is unlikely to be enough to attract and retain users in the long run. Instead, businesses and entrepreneurs must focus on creating unique, compelling experiences that leverage the full potential of immersive technologies.

This may involve rethinking traditional user interfaces, designing intuitive navigation systems, and crafting engaging narratives that draw users into the virtual world. It also means identifying genuine pain points and opportunities for innovation, rather than simply jumping on the metaverse bandwagon for its own sake.

Artificial intelligence will likely play a big part in advancing metaverse technology, allowing for new business models to thrive in virtual environments with real-time engagement.

Addressing Privacy and Security Concerns

As VR and AR technologies become more sophisticated, they will inevitably capture a wealth of personal data, from biometric information to user behavior and preferences. This raises significant privacy and security concerns that must be addressed to build trust and ensure responsible development of the metaverse.

Businesses and entrepreneurs must prioritize data protection, implementing robust security measures to safeguard user information and prevent unauthorized access. Transparency will also be key, with clear communication about data collection practices and user control over their personal information.

Furthermore, as the metaverse blurs the lines between the virtual and physical worlds, new legal and ethical questions will arise. Establishing clear guidelines and regulations around issues like virtual property rights, content moderation, and user safety will be essential for creating a secure and trustworthy metaverse ecosystem.

Fostering Interoperability and Collaboration

Finally, ensuring interoperability and fostering collaboration among metaverse platforms and developers will be crucial for creating a seamless, interconnected virtual world. Businesses and entrepreneurs must work together to establish common standards and protocols that allow for easy migration of assets and experiences across different platforms.

This will require a spirit of openness and cooperation, as well as a willingness to embrace decentralized technologies like blockchain that can facilitate secure, transparent interactions between different metaverse ecosystems.

As the metaverse continues to evolve, businesses and entrepreneurs who can successfully navigate these challenges and deliver innovative, user-centric solutions will be well-positioned to lead the way in this exciting new frontier.


About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.