Post-BFCM sales, black friday cyber monday sales

Preventing BFCM Overspend for Online Businesses


The frenzy of Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) presents both an unrivaled opportunity and a formidable challenge for businesses in the ecommerce landscape.

While these hallmark shopping events can significantly boost sales and attract new customers, they also pose the risk of overspending, which can quickly erode the very profits these sales events are meant to enhance.

In the aftermath of Black Friday, businesses need to strategically navigate back to financial prudence. This not only protects their hard-earned profits but also ensures operational efficiency and sustainability in the highly competitive holiday season.

Returning to Pre-Black Friday Budget Levels

As the dust settles after the Black Friday sales rush, businesses face a critical task: realigning their budgets to pre-event levels. This recalibration is pivotal to preserving the financial health of your company as you navigate through the remainder of the holiday season.

Decreasing Budgets Strategically

Post-BFCM, a significant step is to decrease budgets by an average of 50-60%. This reduction is not about cutting corners but strategically reallocating resources. During BFCM, businesses typically ramp up spending, especially in areas like marketing, to capture the influx of new customers and maximize online sales.

However, continuing at this level of expenditure is neither sustainable nor necessary once the peak shopping days are over. By returning to pre-BFCM budget levels, businesses can stabilize their finances and focus on long-term growth strategies.

Focus on Core Offerings and Efficient Spending

This budget realignment involves a thorough review of all operational areas. For ecommerce brands, it may mean shifting focus back to core products and services rather than the special offerings curated for BFCM.

Retailers should analyze the performance of various initiatives undertaken during BFCM and retain only those that deliver consistent value. This process often involves pausing or scaling down campaigns or product lines that were specifically tailored for the Black Friday audience but may not resonate with your broader customer base.

Preparing for the Next Wave

Reducing the budget does not mean losing momentum. It’s about optimizing spending to maintain a robust online presence, continue engaging with new customers acquired during BFCM, and preparing for the next peak in the holiday shopping season.

Remember, the goal is to optimize, not minimize, your spending to ensure a steady flow of online sales while maintaining a healthy Average Order Value (AOV) and customer satisfaction.

Enhancing Profitability Through ROAS

After Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM), businesses should reassess and refine their approach to Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). This metric becomes even more critical as companies strive to convert their BFCM 2023 momentum into sustainable profitability.

Setting Higher ROAS Targets

Post-BFCM shopping, one effective strategy is to increase ROAS targets. During the BFCM sales, businesses may have accepted lower ROAS in exchange for higher volume sales and new customer acquisition.

However, as the holiday season progresses, shifting focus towards higher ROAS ensures that advertising spend is more efficient and directly contributes to profitability. This doesn’t mean slashing ad budgets; rather, it’s about optimizing them to yield better returns.

Leveraging BFCM Data for Precision Targeting

The wealth of data accumulated during BFCM offers invaluable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Use this data to refine your targeting criteria, focusing on high-intent customers and segments that demonstrated strong engagement and conversion rates. This precision targeting not only improves the effectiveness of your ads but also contributes to a higher ROAS.

Focusing on High-Performing Channels and Campaigns

Identify which marketing channels and campaigns yielded the best results during BFCM and prioritize them in your post-BFCM strategy. For instance, if social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook drove significant traffic and sales, continuing to invest in these channels could be beneficial.

Similarly, if certain types of ads or messaging resonated well with your audience, replicate these successful elements in your ongoing campaigns.

Bid Adjustments and Seasonal Considerations

This period often requires a nuanced approach to bid management, particularly in the context of anticipated seasonal fluctuations in customer behavior and conversion rates.

Implementing Negative Seasonality Bid Adjustments

One crucial strategy is the application of Negative Seasonality Bid Adjustments. After the high of BFCM, many businesses experience a significant drop in conversion rates as consumer spending normalizes.

To counteract this, it’s advisable to adjust your bids downward to reflect the decreased likelihood of conversions. This tactic helps in managing ad spend more efficiently, ensuring that you’re not overpaying for clicks that are less likely to convert in this post-peak period.

Understanding Seasonal Consumer Behavior

Understanding the seasonal trends specific to your industry is vital. For some, the period immediately following BFCM might still be busy, while for others, it could be a time of reduced activity.

Analyze historical data to identify patterns in consumer behavior and purchasing decisions during this time. This insight allows you to tailor your bidding strategy effectively, ensuring that your bids align with the expected value of each click in the current season.

Leveraging Automation and AI

Utilizing automation tools and AI for bid management can be highly effective during this period. These technologies can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and consumer behaviors, making real-time adjustments to your bids. This ensures that your campaigns remain competitive and cost-effective, maximizing your ROAS even in fluctuating market conditions.

Campaign Optimization Post-Black Friday

The period following Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) demands a strategic shift in campaign management. It’s a crucial time for businesses to review and optimize their marketing campaigns to maintain momentum while ensuring efficiency and profitability.

Assessing Campaign Performance

Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your BFCM campaigns. Identify which campaigns, keywords, or products performed exceptionally well during Black Friday and which did not meet expectations. This analysis is key to understanding customer preferences and shopping behaviors during the holiday season.

Pausing or Reducing Less Effective Campaigns

Based on your analysis, make decisive moves to pause or reduce spending on campaigns that only performed well due to the BFCM hype. These might include specific product promotions, limited-time offers, or targeted ads that are less relevant post-BFCM. By discontinuing or scaling down these initiatives, you can redirect your resources more effectively.

Resetting Campaigns for Ongoing Engagement

Post-BFCM is an ideal time to reset your campaigns:

  • Pause Sale-Specific Ads: Turn off ads that specifically promote BFCM sales to avoid confusing customers with outdated offers.
  • Reactivate Evergreen Content: Shift focus back to evergreen content that consistently engages customers and promotes your core products or services.
  • Update Landing Pages and Product Feeds: Ensure that your landing pages and product feeds reflect current offerings and prices, removing any special BFCM promotions.

Refining Messaging and Targeting

Adjust your messaging to resonate with the post-BFCM audience. This includes focusing on building brand loyalty, emphasizing customer satisfaction, and showcasing the value of your products or services beyond just holiday deals. Also, refine your audience targeting to focus on both new customers acquired during BFCM and your existing customer base.

Leveraging Customer Feedback and Data

Use customer feedback and data gathered during BFCM to enhance your campaigns. This could involve personalizing communications based on customer preferences, using user-generated content to build trust, or offering tailored incentives to encourage repeat purchases.

Building and Maintaining Client Relationships

Post-Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM), while the focus is often on financial and marketing strategies, an equally important aspect is nurturing client relationships. This period offers a unique opportunity to strengthen bonds with your clients and build a foundation for long-term loyalty.

Celebrating Success with Clients

Begin by celebrating your BFCM wins with your clients. Share success stories, whether it’s a surge in new customers, a notable increase in sales, or successful marketing campaigns.

Acknowledging these achievements not only boosts morale but also reinforces the value your ecommerce business brings to clients. Use newsletters, social media posts, or personalized communications to share these triumphs.

Utilizing Feedback for Improvement

Gather and utilize customer feedback post-BFCM to improve your services or products. This feedback is a goldmine of information that can guide your future strategies. Whether it’s positive reviews or constructive criticism, showing clients that you value and act upon their feedback is crucial for building trust and satisfaction.

Personalizing Client Interactions

In an era where personalization is key, tailor your communications to suit the specific needs and preferences of your clients. Use the data gathered during BFCM to understand their buying patterns and preferences. Personalized interactions, whether through email, SMS, or TikTok, can make clients feel valued and understood.

Providing Exceptional Customer Support

Post-BFCM is also a time when existing and potential customers might have queries or concerns, perhaps about their purchases or your services. Providing prompt, helpful, and empathetic customer support during this time can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Ensure your customer support team is well-equipped to handle post-BFCM inquiries efficiently.

Preparing for the Christmas Peak

As businesses emerge from the whirlwind of Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM), attention swiftly turns to the next major milestone: the Christmas shopping season. This sales period is crucial for capitalizing on the momentum gained during BFCM and for maximizing year-end sales. Effective preparation is key to harnessing this opportunity.

Analyzing BFCM Performance

Start by analyzing your BFCM performance in depth. Look at what products or services were most popular, which marketing channels yielded the best results, and how customer behavior differed from expectations. This analysis provides valuable insights that can be applied to your Christmas strategies. Pay particular attention to customer feedback and engagement metrics to understand what resonated most with your audience.

Implementing Learnings for Christmas Campaigns

Use the insights gained from BFCM to refine your Christmas campaigns. If certain promotions or marketing messages were particularly effective during BFCM, consider how they can be adapted for the Christmas season. Also, take note of any operational challenges faced during BFCM and address them to ensure smoother operations during Christmas.

Engaging New and Existing Customers

The post-BFCM period is an excellent time to engage both new customers acquired during the sales and your loyal customer base. Tailor your messaging to acknowledge their previous purchases and suggest relevant products or services they may be interested in. Personalized recommendations can significantly enhance the customer experience and boost sales.

Stock and Supply Chain Management

Ensure your inventory is well-stocked and your supply chain is prepared to handle the increased demand over Christmas. Consider the logistics of last-minute online shopping and plan accordingly. This might involve stocking up on popular items, ensuring timely delivery options, and having a responsive customer support team to handle any queries or issues.

Creating a Festive Shopping Experience

Enhance your online store or physical premises with a festive look and feel to attract customers. This could include updating your website’s landing page with a Christmas theme, offering gift wrapping services, or creating special holiday bundles. A festive shopping experience can significantly contribute to customer enjoyment and spending.

Setting Up Post-Christmas Strategies

Finally, plan for the period immediately following Christmas. This includes preparing for end-of-year sales, enforcing your return policy efficiently, and engaging customers with new year promotions. By planning ahead, you can ensure a seamless transition into the new year, maintaining sales momentum and customer engagement.

How’s Your Overspend Strategy?

As we wrap up our comprehensive guide on navigating the post-Black Friday and Cyber Monday landscape, we hope you’ve found valuable insights and actionable strategies to apply to your business. But the journey doesn’t end here.

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About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.