Red-Hot Tips For An Explosive Seduction Affiliate Program (Part 1)

Red-Hot Tips For An Explosive Seduction Affiliate Program (Pt. 1)


Affiliates that have experience with dating products like a good seduction affiliate program. Not only is it targeted, but there are big commissions from sales involved. With the right marketing campaign, conversion rates can result in big earnings for them and for you, the merchant.

That said, you should be asking yourself if affiliate marketing is really working for you. Are you getting the sales you want from your info products for dating advice, and seduction or pickup (PUA) artist services?

Running a successful seduction affiliate program is key to getting more traffic, sales, and revenue for your merchant account. So naturally, you need an enticing offer to be competitive, for the following reasons:

  • It allows you to leverage affiliates’ expansive email lists for pre-qualified buyers;
  • It’s a great way to increase targeted traffic; and
  • It gets more eyes on your brand.

Here are some red-hot tips to fire up an affiliate program, seduce key affiliates away from your competitors, and explode in revenue.


Spy on your competitors

First of all, this is a very niche industry. There’s big competition in the online dating advice, seduction and PUA industry for customers. Therefore, becoming a successful online brand requires competitive research and strategic testing. Do your homework!

As a result, don’t just copy competitors; be better. Make a list of companies that are a threat to you and compare their seduction affiliate program offers.

For example, research commissions and promotions offered. Learn how often payouts are issued (e.g. weekly, monthly). Discover the affiliates’ preferred payment methods (e.g. due to check payment holds, offering PayPal may lure affiliates to you to get faster payouts). Finally, look at other industries for ideas on affiliate program innovation. Expanding research in this industry may spark creative ideas and motivate you to create quality products.


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    Offer competitive seduction affiliate program commissions

    Most merchants only decide on a commission right before they launch their seduction affiliate program. Again, do your homework. First of all, understand your competitor’s pricing model. This might ensure your offer can generate the same type of sales revenue. Secondly, compare what other programs pay. Forecast your member LTV based on your products, offers and upsells.

    Think about which high converting product you offer is the most successful. Once you know, deduct the fees you have to pay to your third-party service providers. If the commission is high, you might see less revenue than forecasted. Is your payout lower than your competitors? Explain to affiliates that it’s easier to convert sales in your program. This selling point will make them more money!

    Additionally, offer tiered commissions to entice them to send more traffic. As their sales increase so will their revenue. Show your affiliates how they will get paid per sale and revenue potential.

    Net margins are everything! Review your affiliate program budget, and then craft a convincing affiliate sign-up strategy.


    Piggyback off of an affiliate network

    The beauty of launching an affiliate program with a network is that half the work is already done. A merchant has easy access to a database of affiliates after integration setup is complete. Consequently, you don’t need to scour the Internet to recruit partners from scratch. Reputable affiliate networks will already have top-performing affiliates. All you need to do is extend an invite to those with relevant websites and make an enticing offer.

    Make sure to keep new affiliates engaged. Keep banners and other ads updated regularly. Provide monthly updates about products and promotions. A monthly newsletter to affiliates can go a long way in communicating news about an offer, coupons and commissions.

    It’s worth noting that ClickBank has a myriad of affiliates in their marketplace platform. We know of several merchants that use it for their offer and to link with the right affiliates. While this is a good starter solution, it’s always best to have your own merchant account and affiliate program. Perhaps your offer might be ready for a white label solution.


    Earn more $$$ with a white label affiliate program

    There’s a lot of software as a service (SaaS) providers out there that help merchants launch white label affiliate programs or affiliate networks. A white label affiliate program removes the middleman (the affiliate network). The result is a custom affiliate program or network with your own affiliate links, branding, real-time reporting and more. You get more direct relationships with affiliates and potentially pay less monthly fees.

    Imagine that you own multiple seduction offers for divorced women, millennial and older men under the parent company Covert Love Guru. Your offer generates $50k monthly. Unfortunately all of the seduction products are hosted on different affiliate networks. Launching one custom Covert Love Guru seduction affiliate program or network would streamline all of your brands. As a result, affiliates would be promoting many of your products through one portal.

    White label solutions allow complete and more efficient control of multiple seduction affiliate programs, marketing creative, affiliate relationships, etc. This makes gathering data simpler, as you will be able to see product performance in one portal.


    Hire a superstar affiliate manager

    The one common denominator for a successful affiliate program is having a superstar affiliate manager. You need a dedicated affiliate manager that knows how to wheel and deal. They should oversee the successful launch and growth of your program. If your seduction affiliates know they have a go-to person who will be a partner and advocate, they will perform even better.

    Having a go-to affiliate manager makes negotiating commissions and promotions easier. This goes for both affiliates and merchants. Industry awards dedicated to affiliate manager of the year exist for a reason. An affiliate manager can make a difference to the bottom line. Make sure your affiliate manager is available by phone, email and Skype. The easier it is to communicate, the more likely you will have successful relationships with your affiliates.

    Your seduction affiliate manager should deliver all tools affiliates need to be successful. This includes working with partners on crafting the right promotional materials so your offer and brand is properly represented. For example, if your affiliate is publishing inaccurate information in product reviews of a video course, the manager should encourage them to update the details. It’s very easy to misrepresent an offer on social media or in SEO content. A solid affiliate manager should help in correcting any issues. Misleading information can make a negative impression when you apply for a merchant account. If a payment processor sees content that isn’t favorable in their eyes, you could be declined.


    Seduction and pick-up artist merchants must prevent fraud

    Fraud and chargebacks are common challenges for seduction, dating advice and PUA artist merchants. Fraud comes in many forms. In fact, friendly and affiliate fraud are the most common.

    Friendly fraud happens when a customer sees a charge on their credit card bill and does not recognize it or remember they made the purchase. They may also never log into their account they created to facilitate the sale. This can lead to calling their bank for a chargeback.

    On the other hand, affiliate fraud occurs when fictitious sales are sent or stolen credit cards are used to crank up a partner’s commission.

    Further, many new merchants think all they have to do is launch a program to start earning, because some affiliates are keen to promote. This may be true, but screen your ad partners carefully or you could suffer the consequences. There’s nothing worse than having a fraudster run off with your revenue. It’s even worse when they refer fake sales that refund or chargeback within weeks or even months later.

    Once fraud is discovered, it’s already too late. Transactions are approved with no chance of status reversal and thousands of dollars in commissions are already paid out. High chargebacks and refunds lead to lost revenue and make your merchant account at risk of being terminated. Or, it can lead to business closure. Track your orders, refunds and chargebacks for each affiliate and set thresholds that make sense.

    Keep visiting the DirectPayNet blog to read more tips on how to establish a solid seduction affiliate program. More importantly, email us for your payment needs.


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