tiktok banks external ecommerce links for tiktok shop

TikTok BANS Links to External E-Commerce Sites, Warning for Affiliate Marketers


In a world where the boundaries between social media and e-commerce are rapidly blurring, a new revelation from TikTok might fundamentally shift the platform’s role in the online shopping ecosystem.

In a bold move that’s poised to reshape the e-commerce landscape within its ecosystem, TikTok has announced plans to ban links to external e-commerce sites, notably giants like Amazon.

This decision, as reported recently on the Information, indicates TikTok’s determination to centralize its commerce activities and make TikTok Shop the go-to platform for transactions on the app.

Unveiling TikTok’s Strategy

The decision is viewed by many as a strategic move to consolidate its position in the e-commerce landscape. The core motive is to encourage users to utilize TikTok Shop for any purchases inspired by content on the platform.

TikTok’s strategy is clear: the company wishes to ensure users and creators alike remain within its platform for commerce activities. This not only streamlines the user experience but also adds another layer of control to TikTok’s already expansive ecosystem.

The objective? To compel users to utilize the TikTok Shop if they wish to make a purchase after viewing a product on the platform.

The urgency of this move can be underscored by TikTok Shop’s anticipated $500 million loss in the U.S. this year alone. This considerable deficit is largely attributed to their aggressive investments in recruiting, designing a robust delivery network, and offering incentives to merchants like discounts and complimentary shipping.

The Impact on Content Creators and Affiliate Marketers

The short-video social media platform’s potential policy change will undoubtedly have repercussions for the vast community of influencers and content creators who rely on the platform.

Presently, many creators promote products available on their Amazon storefronts. When a user makes a purchase through these links, the creator earns a commission. This ban would eradicate that revenue stream.

The same is true for affiliate marketers, who rely solely on external links to earn commission. The ban might compel affiliates to either leave the platform or shift to using only TikTok Shop’s affiliate links, which could be limiting in terms of product range and commission structure.

While this transition may appear challenging, TikTok might introduce affiliate-friendly features to retain this vital marketing community.

Current Commerce Landscape on TikTok

TikTok’s e-commerce journey has been interesting. Despite the reported losses, there are some silver linings. U.S. consumers are becoming more engaged with TikTok Shop, spending between $3 million to $4 million daily, marking a significant rise from the previous $500,000 to $1 million daily spend recorded in June.

TikTok insiders are optimistic, forecasting this number to surge to $10 million by year-end.

The scenario is brighter in Southeast Asia, namely China, India, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Here, TikTok Shop has been operational since 2021 and has witnessed substantial success. Daily gross merchandise volumes hover around the impressive $50 million to $60 million mark. The platform has ambitious plans to boost this number, targeting $90 million by the close of the year.

Once this potential external e-commerce ban comes into effect, however, TikTok users would find their shopping experience confined within the walls of the TikTok Shop. The reported move aims to not only retain sales within the platform but also boost them.

The Bigger Picture: ByteDance’s E-Commerce Vision

ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, harbors ambitions that go beyond just TikTok Shop. With their Chinese counterpart, Douyin, reporting a merchandise volume exceeding $200 billion last year, ByteDance envisions TikTok to achieve comparable numbers by 2028.

To realize this vision, TikTok has been aggressively courting merchants. Tactics include scouting bestselling products on platforms like Amazon and then enticing those merchants to migrate to TikTok Shop. The bait? Zero commissions for the initial three months.

TikTok’s e-commerce vision isn’t confined to just the TikTok Shop. Confirmations have emerged of the platform testing an in-app “Trendy Beat” shopping segment. This section is designed to sell products directly shipped and managed by a ByteDance subsidiary. Given a recent trademark application for Trendy Beat in the U.S., it’s only a matter of time before this feature finds its way to American users.

Internally dubbed as “Project S”, this initiative taps into TikTok’s insights on trending products. Leveraging this data, ByteDance either acquires or manufactures these popular products, deploying a vast network of suppliers for production.

The TikTok Influence on Consumer Behavior

TikTok’s influence in shaping buying behavior is undeniable. A cursory search on the platform will lead to billions of views under the term “TikTok made me buy it”. It’s a testament to the app’s power to spur impulse purchases.

With its e-commerce ventures in their nascent stages in the U.S., the platform is poised to capitalize on its commanding influence in the digital age.

The company’s e-commerce strategy is also reflected in its decision to sunset its partnership with Shopify. This collaboration began in 2021, a period when TikTok’s e-commerce functionalities in the U.S. were in their embryonic stage. With the full-fledged TikTok Shop now in operation, the partnership’s utility has ostensibly diminished.

Data Privacy: US vs Europe – A Comparative Look at TikTok’s Operations

With TikTok’s growing influence in the e-commerce world, it’s vital to understand the platform’s approach to data privacy, especially in two of its major markets – the US and Europe. Both regions have distinct privacy regulations that impact TikTok’s operations, as well as its efforts to merge content and commerce.

United States: A Patchwork Approach

In the US, there isn’t a single, comprehensive federal law regulating the collection and use of personal data. Instead, cybersecurity and privacy laws are sector-specific, often US state-dependent, and can be fragmented. For a platform like TikTok:

  • The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is especially relevant. It requires platforms to obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting personal information from children under 13. TikTok, having faced fines for COPPA violations in the past, now puts additional emphasis on its age verification processes and has even launched a separate platform, TikTok for Younger Users, to ensure compliance.
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), enacted by the state of California, grants Californian residents the right to know about the personal data collected about them, the purpose of its collection, and any third parties the data is sold to. It also allows consumers to opt-out of the sale of their personal data. As a result, TikTok had to adapt its data collection and sharing practices for users in California.

Europe: The Stringent GDPR

Contrary to the US’s more fragmented approach, Europe has the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a comprehensive privacy law that applies across the European Union.

  • Under the GDPR, platforms like TikTok must ensure that they obtain clear, affirmative consent from users before collecting their data. Users also have the ‘right to be forgotten,’ meaning they can ask platforms to delete their personal data.
  • GDPR emphasizes ‘data minimization,’ ensuring platforms only collect necessary data. TikTok, to adhere to these regulations, must be explicit about the kind of data it collects during shopping experiences, and why.
  • One of the key challenges TikTok faces in Europe is maintaining transparency about data transfers, especially considering its Chinese origins. The regulation requires companies to ensure that any transfer of data out of the EU has adequate data protection in place.

Implications for TikTok’s E-Commerce Push

Given TikTok’s ambitions in the e-commerce space, the platform must navigate these regulatory frameworks effectively:

  1. Trust Factor: Ensuring compliance boosts user trust, which is critical for users to feel comfortable shopping on the platform.
  2. Adaptation: While the platform’s central strategy might focus on its global vision, TikTok must adapt its data collection, storage, and processing mechanisms differently for the US and European markets.
  3. Future Challenges: As data privacy becomes an even more prominent global concern, TikTok, along with other platforms, will continually face challenges. The recent debates around the use of TikTok on government devices due to ‘national security concerns’ and ‘user data’ issues underscore the importance of staying updated with evolving regulations.

As TikTok continues to solidify its presence in the e-commerce world, balancing its growth ambitions with regulatory compliance will be essential. Both the US and Europe present unique challenges in the data privacy landscape, and TikTok’s success will hinge on its ability to navigate them effectively.

Final Thoughts for Creators and Affiliates

TikTok’s potential move to ban external e-commerce links can be seen as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the digital landscape. With social media platforms constantly pushing the envelope, merging entertainment and commerce, it remains to be seen how these strategic decisions impact the wider ecosystem.

For TikTok, it represents a bid to cement its status as a juggernaut in the world of e-commerce, a space where content, commerce, and community converge seamlessly.

The move is just another reminder that creators, startups, and affiliates cannot get too comfortable in their positions. Platforms change, consumer habits change, marketing changes. It’s not the end of line, but it’s certainly a path in a new direction.


About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.