Content writer circled on a newspaper jobs ad.

Will AI Replace Copywriters? The Future of Copywriting and How to Adapt


Are you worried AI copywriting tools will put an end to your career? Don’t panic just yet.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the current state of copywriting, how AI is changing the landscape, and, most importantly, practical tips on how you can thrive in a future where Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to grow.

Ready to dig deep into copywriting’s potential as it relates to automation and artificial intelligence? Here’s what you need to know to protect your career, jump ship, or cooperate with these new tools.

Who is affected most by AI copywriting tools?

Artificial intelligence copywriting tools are becoming increasingly popular amongst businesses and copywriters, alike, because they help produce high-quality content on demand.

But who exactly is affected by these tools? As it turns out, many different players in the industry can be affected by the increasing use of AI copywriting software.

Content Creators

SEO (search engine optimization) writers and others writing in the long-form content creation space are the most obvious group impacted by AI copywriting tools. With more and more businesses turning to these automated solutions for their content needs, there is a movement to replace those in content marketing. But that also opens up an opportunity for experienced writers to take up the slack left in the wake of AI.

Content creators who specialize in writing for certain industries or topics may find themselves at a particular advantage here, as many AI copywriting tools are incapable of writing about specific functions, markets, and more. Human expertise is still necessary.

Additionally, some companies may prefer the human touch and hire experienced writers to review or polish off their AI-generated drafts before publishing them – another potential opportunity for human writers in this space.


Editors and proofreaders may also be affected by AI writing tools, although likely not as much as writers themselves. While these tools are capable of producing high-quality drafts with little input from a writer, they usually still require review and refinement from a human editor before going live – particularly if they’re used in high-stakes contexts like legal documents or press releases.

As such, editors should still find plenty of work in this area, provided they can demonstrate their value beyond what an AI tool can provide.

One area where AI will always need a human hand to retouch is fact checking. AI systems churn content based on the data that it’s been fed, but what it invents isn’t always true.


Copywriters, as opposed to content writers, are also greatly affected—but not all of them. Good copywriters are safe.

Good companies know the value of their copywriters and wouldn’t jeopardize the growth of their company or the success of a product by going all in on a new technology.

New companies, companies that don’t understand the value or the process of copywriter, and bad copywriters are the ones threatened here most. Companies that just don’t get it are more than willing to automate every ounce of the content as well as new companies that can’t afford a quality copywriter. Bad copywriters who just don’t put in the effort or don’t see consistent results will also feel the burn.

No matter which path forward you take, you need a gateway that can handle your ups and downs.

How AI Copywriting is Changing the Marketing Landscape

AI content generators are transforming the way marketing professionals create and execute content. With AI copywriters, marketers can generate high-quality copy using natural language processing algorithms that draw upon large amounts of data and learn from past campaigns.

This is making it easier than ever before to produce personalized, targeted content that resonates with consumers.

Low-Cost and Efficient

AI copywriting can save time and money by automating certain aspects of the writing process. Instead of manually crafting each piece of content, marketers can use AI to quickly develop relevant pieces based on analysis of customer data. This allows marketers to focus their efforts on developing a strategy while using a workflow that allows AI to take care of the details.


In addition to saving time and money, AI copywriting is also streamlining the process of creating unique content for different audiences. By leveraging customer data, these systems can automatically tailor content for different segments of customers or even generate new ideas for campaigns based on current trends in customer behavior. This ensures that whatever message is created will reach the right people at the right time with maximum impact.

Many of the AI tools available today can create specific types of content, like product descriptions, landing page outlines, Facebook ad copy, and more, all through built-in templates. Streamlining the workflow for marketing copy saves time and money.


AI-generated content knows how to speak to your target audience, no matter how specific the group is. It can incorporate the language and tone that your customer segment expects, creating a more meaningful connection between you and them.

AI also has the capability to learn over time, adapting content in order to better connect with an audience.

The Pros and Cons of Automation in Copywriting

Automation in copywriting is a hot topic in the industry, with some people arguing that it can be helpful and others warning against its potential risks.


On one hand, automation can be a great time saver for businesses, as it can streamline copywriting tasks such as creating social media posts or website content. This can free up resources and allow writers to focus on bigger projects.

Automation also ensures consistency and accuracy in a company’s messaging, which can help create a more professional overall brand image.

Additionally, automated systems are often more cost-effective than hiring multiple staff members to cover writing tasks.


On the other hand, they often require significant investment upfront, which can be prohibitively expensive for small businesses.

Also, many automated systems are limited in their capabilities, meaning that they cannot capture the nuances of more complex topics or messages. Often, content generated by AI is missing human emotion (not to mention grammar mistakes).

Additionally, because these tools lack human creativity and personality—two key aspects of excellent copywriting—they often produce generic results that cannot truly represent your brand’s unique voice.

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Practical Tips on How to Thrive in a Future Where AI Copywriters Continue to Grow

In the future, AI copywriters are expected to become more commonplace. We already have some incredible options like Jasper, CopyAI, and Content at Scale (which all use GPT-3).

As more companies turn to this technology to craft their messages, it will be crucial for copywriters to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in order to remain competitive. Here are some practical tips on how to thrive in a future where AI copywriters continue to grow:

1. Hone Your Skills

First, focus on honing your skills as a writer and storyteller. AI copywriters offer a variety of advantages over traditional human writers, but they cannot yet match our creative ability or emotional intelligence when it comes to crafting engaging stories and capturing the attention of audiences.

Spend time practicing your writing craft and developing your storytelling skills so you can stand out from the competition.

2. Use New Tools

Second, remain open to new technologies and tools that can help you create compelling content faster and more efficiently.

AI copywriters are becoming increasingly powerful thanks to advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other technologies that enable them to understand natural language inputs better than ever before.

Invest in learning these tools so you can take advantage of their features while staying ahead of the curve.

3. Look for New Opportunities

Third, keep an eye out for emerging opportunities in industries such as marketing automation or chatbot development that could help boost your career prospects.

These fields require strong knowledge of natural language processing, machine learning, and other related topics which might give you an edge over others when applying for positions as an AI copywriter or similar roles.

4. Network

Finally, don’t forget about networking.

Connecting with industry professionals is key when it comes to learning about new trends or gaining access to job opportunities. Join professional groups online or attend industry events so you can meet potential clients or employers who may have openings for experienced AI copywriters like yourself.

Your career can grow even with AI taking valuable space in the market.

If you’re good at what you do, there’s no risk. There will always be space for human copywriters, you just need to seek the companies that value it.

Bad copywriters or copywriters who only want the result without the effort will be replaced by AI. That’s the hard truth of it. So if you feel threatened and you do want to be a successful copywriter, now’s your opportunity to change. Join a mastermind group, get a coach, grow your skill. You need to create value in your work.

We interviewed the world-leading copywriter Alen Sultanic, who has much to say about the role of AI. Watch it here.


About the author

As President of DirectPayNet, I make it my mission to help merchants find the best payment solutions for their online business, especially if they are categorized as high-risk merchants. I help setup localized payments modes and have tons of other tricks to increase sales! Prior to starting DirectPayNet, I was a Director at MANSEF Inc. (now known as MindGeek), where I led a team dedicated to managing merchant accounts for hundreds of product lines as well as customer service and secondary revenue sources. I am an avid traveler, conference speaker and love to attend any event that allows me to learn about technology. I am fascinated by anything related to digital currency especially Bitcoin and the Blockchain.